ADMIN System Table of Contents (TOC)

Close Help Page | Plan Limits Table |

Plan Specifications: | General | Eligibility | Contributions | Vesting | Distribution |
Allocation Parameters | Combined Testing Parameters | ADP/ACP Parameters | General Test Parameters | Top Heavy Parameters |

General Table of Contents TOC

General Plan Features
Contribution Sources
Plan Limit Overrides

General Plan Features Top

Plan Type Top

Select Plan type from the following options:

Active Plan Top

Select "Yes" if the plan is active, "No" if inactive

Inactive Date Top

If the plan is inactive, enter the date it became inactive.

Participant Upload/Download ID Type Top

Select either SSN or Employee Number as ID for data upload and download.

Plan Year End Top

Enter Plan Year end in MM-DD format.

First Plan Year Top

Select yes if first year plan is in existence (not first year on FTW Admin System).

Original Effective Date Top

Enter original effective date of plan.

Contribution Sources Top

Elective Deferrals Top

Select "Yes" if elective deferrals are permitted.

Roth Elective Deferrals Top

Select "Yes" if Roth elective deferrals are permitted.

After-Tax Contributions Top

Select "Yes" if after-tax contributions are permitted.

Select "Formerly Allowed" if after-tax contributions were permitted in the past.

Matching Contributions Top

Select "Yes" if matching contributions are permitted.

Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select "Yes" if profit sharing contributions are permitted.

Rollover Contributions Top

Select "Yes - All Eligible Employees" if rollover contributions are permitted, even by employees who have not met the initial eligible requirements to become a plan participant.

Select "Yes - All Only Active Participants" if rollover contributions are permitted by participants only.

Account/Sources Top

Use Investment Sources to track Participant balances Top

Select "Yes" if participant balances will be tracked by investment source (mutual fund, stock, bond, etc.).

Financial data import vendor Top

Select "Yes" if will be imported from a vendor.

Financial data import ID code Top

Enter import ID code if financial data will be imported from a vendor.

Work with Accounts Top

Click "Working with Accounts" to set up plan accounts [401(k), Match, Profit Sharing, etc.]. This is a mandatory step when setting up a plan for the first time. The census scrub process will fail if accounts are not established.

Work with Sources Top

Click "Work with Sources" to add sources (index fund, stock fund, bond fund, etc.). Once sources have been created, other edit options are available under "Working with Accounts".

HCE/Key Top

Override automatic determination of HCEs and Keys Top

Select "Yes" to override system determination of Highly Compensated and Key employees.

Use top-paid group election Top

Select "Yes" to use top-paid group election (only top 20% in compensation will be considered to be HCE for testing purposes.

Use calendar year data election Top

Select "Yes" to use calendar year data election for compensation (fiscal year plan years). This means the calendar year ending within the fiscal plan year is used for annual compensation For example, a April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 plan year would use compensation for the calendar year ending December 31, 2009.

In determining top-paid group, exclude permitted classes Top

If top-paid group election is elected, select "Yes" to exclude permitted classes when determining top-paid employees (employees who have not completed six months service by the end of the plan year, employees who normally work less than 17 1/2 hours per week, employees who work less than six months per year or employees younger than 21. There are special rules for union employees.

Plan Limit Overrides Top

Override Compensation Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override compensation limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override Compensation Limit Amount Top

If compensation limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override Deferral Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override deferral limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override Deferral Limit Amount Top

If deferral limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override Deferral Limit Amount - pre plan year (fiscal year plans) Top

If deferral limit override elected, enter dollar limit amount.

Override Catchup Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override Catchup Limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override Catchup Limit Amount Top

If catchup limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override 415 Dollar Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override 415 dollar limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override 415 Dollar Limit Amount Top

If 415 dollar limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override 415 Percent Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override 415 percent limit.

Override 415 Percent Limit Amount Top

If 415 percent limit override elected, enter percent limit.

Override FICA Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override FICA limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override FICA Limit Amount Top

If FICA limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override TH Officer Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override TH Officer limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override TH Officer Limit Amount Top

If TH Officer limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override TH 1% Officer Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override TH Officer limit (Not indexed, limit frozen at $150,000).

Override TH 1% Officer Limit Amount Top

If TH 1% Officer limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Override HCE Compensation Limit Top

Select "Yes" to override HCE Compensation limit (Plan Limits Table).

Override HCE Compensation Limit Amount Top

If HCE Compensation limit override elected, enter dollar amount.

Eligibility Table of Contents TOC

Age Service Rules

Overrides Top

Override calculation of prior year eligibility service Top

Select "Yes" to override system determination of prior year eligibility service.

Override calculation of prior year participation service Top

Select "Yes" to override system determination of prior year participation service.

Override initial eligibility status/entry date Top

Select "Yes" to override system determination of initial eligibility status/entry date.

Override continuing eligibility Top

Select "Yes" to override system determination of continuing eligibility.

Exclusions Top

Exclusions - CBA Top

Exclude Employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement from definition of Eligible Employee Top

Select "Yes" to Exclude CBA Employees from definition of eligible employee.

Above applies for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply CBA exclusion for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Matching Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply CBA exclusion for purposes of Matching Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply CBA exclusion for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions.

Exclusions - Lease Top

Exclude leased Employees from definition of Eligible Employee Top

Select "Yes" to Exclude Leased Employees from definition of eligible employee.

Above applies for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply Leased Employee exclusion for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Matching Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply Leased Employee exclusion for purposes of Matching Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply Leased Employee exclusion for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions.

Exclusions - Non Res Alien Top

Exclude nonresident aliens from definition of Eligible Employee Top

Select "Yes" to Exclude Non-Resident Aliens from definition of eligible employee.

Above applies for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply NRA exclusion for purposes of Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Matching Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply NRA exclusion for purposes of Matching Contributions.

Above applies for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select "Yes" to apply NRA exclusion for purposes of Profit Sharing Contributions.

Exclusions - Other Top

Exclude other Employees from definition of Eligible Employee (any exclusion must satisfy Code section 401(a)) Top

Select "Yes" to Exclude Other Employees from definition of eligible employee.

If "Yes", enter code for Elective Deferrals Top

If Other Employee exclusion applies enter code for Elective Deferrals and Voluntary Contributions. Any employee excluded under this category should be identified as "Other" in Employee Class drop-down menu. Additionally, a user-defined code to identify the class must be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field. For example, if dental hygienists are excluded, "Other" would be selected as the Employee Class for each hygienist. A user-defined code, such as "DH" would be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field and as the "code" for this plan specification.

If "Yes", enter code for Match Top

If Other Employee exclusion applies enter code for Matching Contributions. Any employee excluded under this category should be identified as "Other" in Employee Class drop-down menu. Additionally, a user-defined code to identify the class must be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field. For example, if dental hygienists are excluded, "Other" would be selected as the Employee Class for each hygienist. A user-defined code, such as "DH" would be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field and as the "code" for this plan specification.

If "Yes", enter code for Nonelectives Top

If Other Employee exclusion applies enter code for Profit Sharing Contributions. Any employee excluded under this category should be identified as "Other" in Employee Class drop-down menu. Additionally, a user-defined code to identify the class must be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field. For example, if dental hygienists are excluded, "Other" would be selected as the Employee Class for each hygienist. A user-defined code, such as "DH" would be entered in the EmployeeClassOther field and as the "code" for this plan specification.

An Employee may irrevocably elect not to participate in the Plan Top

Select "Yes" to allow an Employee to irrevocably elect to not participate in the Plan.

Age Service Rules Top

Eligibility Computation Period Top

Eligibility Computation Period switch to Plan Year Top

Select "Yes" if the eligibility computation period switches to the Plan Year after the first year. The first eligibility computation period runs for one year from date of hire, e.g. August 3, 2009 to August 2, 2010. If "Yes", the second eligibility computation period would begin on January 1, 2010 and end on December 31, 2010.

Elective Deferrals/Voluntary Contributions Top

Minimum age requirement for Elective Deferrals/Voluntary Contributions Top

Select age from a range of 18 to 21 or "None".

Minimum service requirement for Elective Deferrals/Voluntary Contributions Top

Select service from a range of Years, Months, "Specified Hours of Service" or "None".

Eligibility service computation method Top

Select "hours of service" or "elapsed time".

If "Hours of Service" and not "None", enter the Hours of Service that must be completed in the period described above (without commas) Top

If hours of service selected and minimum service requirement not "None", enter the hours of service that must be completed to satisfy minimum service requirement (without commas).

Frequency of entry dates for Elective Deferrals/Voluntary Contributions Top

Select "Immediate", "first day of the calendar month" "first day of each plan quarter", "first day of the first month and seventh month of the plan year" or "first day of the plan year".

If not "Immediate" or "other dates", selection of entry date Top

Select "coincident with or next following" or "next following".

Matching Contributions Top

Minimum age requirement for Matching Contributions Top

Select age from a range of 18 to 21 or "None".

Minimum service requirement for Matching Contributions Top

Select service from a range of Years, Months, "Specified Hours of Service" or "None".

Eligibility service computation method Top

Select "hours of service" or "elapsed time".

If "Hours of Service" and not "None", enter the Hours of Service that must be completed in the period described above (without commas) Top

If hours of service selected and minimum service requirement not "None", enter the hours of service that must be completed to satisfy minimum service requirement (without commas).

Frequency of entry dates for Matching Contributions Top

Select "Immediate", "first day of the calendar month" "first day of each plan quarter", "first day of the first month and seventh month of the plan year" or "first day of the plan year".

If not "Immediate" or "other dates", selection of entry date Top

Select "coincident with or next following", "next following", "coincident with or immediately preceding", "immediately preceding" or "nearest to".

Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Minimum age requirement for Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select age from a range of 18 to 21 or "None".

Minimum service requirement for Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select service from a range of Years, Months, "Specified Hours of Service" or "None".

Eligibility service computation method Top

Select "hours of service" or "elapsed time".

If "Hours of Service" and not "None", enter the Hours of Service that must be completed in the period described above (without commas) Top

If hours of service selected and minimum service requirement not "None", enter the hours of service that must be completed to satisfy minimum service requirement (without commas).

Frequency of entry dates for Profit Sharing Contributions Top

Select "Immediate", "first day of the calendar month" "first day of each plan quarter", "first day of the first month and seventh month of the plan year" or "first day of the plan year".

If not "Immediate" or "other dates", selection of entry date Top

Select "coincident with or next following", "next following", "coincident with or immediately preceding", "immediately preceding" or "nearest to".

Miscellaneous Top

Break in Service Top

Rule of parity. If an Employee does not have any nonforfeitable right to Employer contributions, exclude eligibility service before a period of five (5) consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service/Periods of Severance Top

If an Employee does not have any nonforfeitable right to Employer Contributions, exclude eligibility service before a period of five (5) consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service/Periods of Severance. Cannot be used if elective deferrals have been made prior to the break, regardless of amount.

One-year holdout. If an Employee has a One-Year Break in Service/Period of Severance, exclude eligibility service before such period until the Employee has completed a Year of Eligibility Service after returning to employment with the Employer Top

If an Employee has a One-Year Break in Service/Period of Severance, exclude eligibility service before such period until the Employee has completed a Year of Eligibility Service after returning to employment with the Employer. Used rarely because entry is retroactive to rehire date and impractical for Elective Deferrals.

Special Participation Date Top

Allow immediate participation for all Eligible Employees employed on the date specified below Top

Options Include:

If "Yes", the special participation rule shall apply to all Eligible Employees employed on Top

If Special Participation Date is "Yes", enter date.

If "Yes", the Eligible Employees employed on the date specified above shall become eligible to participate in the Plan as of Top

If Special Participation Date is "Yes", enter participation (entry) date.

If "Yes", does the Plan provide any conditions or limitations on immediate participation Top

If Special Participation Date is "Yes", enter additional conditions or limitations (if applicable).

Contributions Table of Contents TOC

Contribution Limits
Safe Harbor
Non Elective

Contribution Limits Top

Minimum Elective Deferral Contribution Top

Select from range of 1% to 3% or None.

Maximum Elective Deferral Contribution Top

Select from range of 5% to 100%.

Lower Maximum Elective Deferral Contribution applies for HCE Top

Select "Yes" if lower maximum elective deferral applies to HCE.

Lower Maximum Elective Deferral Contribution for HCE Top

If "Yes", select from range of 5% to 100%.

Minimum Voluntary Contribution Top

Select from range of 1% to 3% or None.

Maximum Voluntary Contribution Top

Select from range of 5% to 100%.

Maximum of total combined Elective Deferral/Voluntary Contribution Top

Select from range of 5% to 100%.

The Company will include a Participants Voluntary Contributions in the definition of Matched Employee Contributions Top

Select "Yes" if voluntary contributions can be matched.

Roth Correction for 402(g) failures Top

If Roth Deferrals are permitted select hierarchy for return (First, Last or Prorate).

Allow Participants to make EGTRRA catch-up contributions Top

Select "Yes" or "No". If "Yes", Participants to attain age 50 at any time during the Plan Year are eligible to make catch-ups.

If "Yes", the Company will exclude union members from EGTRRA catch-ups Top

Select "Yes" if the Company will exclude union members from EGTRRA catch-ups otherwise select "No".

If "Yes", the Company will include a Participants EGTRRA catch-up contributions in the definition of Matched Employee Contributions Top

Select "Yes" if the Company will include a Participants EGTRRA catch-up contributions in the definition of Matched Employee Contributions otherwise select "No". If "Yes" is selected, this means catch-ups can be matched.

Safe Harbor Top

Safe Harbor - General Top

Safe harbor type Top

Select the Safe harbor type. Options are:

Safe harbor tests Top

Select the nondiscrimination tests that are deemed to be passed. Options are:

Safe Harbor Match Top

If matching safe harbor, exclusions for eligibility:

Select the classes to be excluded from receiving a safe harbor match contribution. Options are:

If matching safe harbor, service requirement for safe harbor eligibility:

Based on the plan document, select the service requirements (if any) that must be met for an employee to receive a safe harbor match contribution. Options are:

If matching safe harbor, minimum age requirement:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the minimum age requirement an employee must meet before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor match contribution. Options are none and age 18 through age 21. If there is no age requirement, select �€˜none�€™.

If matching safe harbor, minimum service requirement:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the minimum service requirement an employee must meet before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor match contribution. Options include:

If matching safe harbor and not "None", enter the Hours of Service that must be completed in the period described above (without commas):

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to enter the minimum number of hours an employee must work before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor match contribution.

If matching safe harbor, frequency of entry dates:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the entry date frequency. Options include:

If matching safe harbor and not "Immediate", selection of entry date:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the entry date frequency. Options include:

If matching safe harbor and no exclusions, require service for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor matching contribution:

Select �€˜Yes�€™ to enable the ability to enter hours of service required for Highly Compensated Employees to receive a safe harbor match contribution. Select �€˜No�€™ if there are no hours required for Highly Compensated Employees to receive a safe harbor matching contribution.

If matching safe harbor and no exclusions, and require service, Hours of Service required in the Plan Year for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor matching contribution (1000 maximum without commas):

If the prior question, �€˜Require service for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor matching contribution�€™ is set to �€˜Yes�€™, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to enter the number of hours required for HCEs to meet to receive a safe harbor matching contribution.

If matching safe harbor and no exclusions, require employment on last day of Plan Year for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor matching contribution:

If set to �€˜Yes�€™, HCEs must be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive a safe harbor matching contribution. If set to �€˜No�€™, HCEs do not have to be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive a safe harbor matching contribution.

Safe Harbor Non Elective Top

If non-elective safe harbor, exclusions for eligibility:

Select the classes to be excluded from receiving a safe harbor non-elective contribution. Options are:

If non-elective safe harbor, service requirement for safe harbor eligibility:

Based on the plan document, select the service requirements (if any) that must be met for an employee to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution. Options are:

If non-elective safe harbor, minimum age requirement:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the minimum age requirement an employee must meet before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution. Options are none and age 18 through age 21. If there is no age requirement, select �€˜none�€™.

If non-elective safe harbor, minimum service requirement:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the minimum service requirement an employee must meet before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution. Options include:

If non-elective safe harbor and not "None", enter the Hours of Service that must be completed in the period described above (without commas):

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to enter the minimum number of hours an employee must work before becoming eligible to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution.

If non-elective safe harbor, frequency of entry dates:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the entry date frequency. Options include:

If non-elective safe harbor and not "Immediate", selection of entry date:

If �€œParticipants meeting other age and service requirements�€� was selected above, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to select the entry date frequency. Options include:

If non-elective safe harbor and no exclusions, require service for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor non-elective contribution:

Select �€˜Yes�€™ to enable the ability to enter hours of service required for Highly Compensated Employees to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution. Select �€˜No�€™ if there are no hours required for Highly Compensated Employees to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution.

If non-elective safe harbor and no exclusions, and require service, Hours of Service required in the Plan Year for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor non-elective contribution (1000 maximum without commas):

If the prior question, �€˜Require service for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor non-elective contribution�€™ is set to �€˜Yes�€™, this option will become available; giving the user the ability to enter the number of hours required for HCEs to meet to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution.

If non-elective safe harbor and no exclusions, require employment on last day of Plan Year for Highly Compensated Employees to receive safe harbor non-elective contribution:

If set to �€˜Yes�€™, HCEs must be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution. If set to �€˜No�€™, HCEs do not have to be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive a safe harbor non-elective contribution.

Matching Top

Matching - Service Top

A Participant will receive an allocation of Matching Contributions if he or she is employed by the Company on the last day of Plan Year or completes the Hours of Service required Top

Select "Yes" if eligibility to receive Matching Contributions is met if either the last day or hours requirement is satisfied.

Selecting "No" means that a Participant has to be employed on the last day of the Plan Year AND must have completed the required number of Hours of Service.

If "Yes" is selected, you must enter the number of required Hours of Service on the next line.

Enter Hours of Service Required Top

Hours of Service Required may not be greater than 500 hours.

Require service for a Participant to receive an allocation of Matching Contributions? Top

Enter "Yes" if the Plan requires a minimum number of Hours of Service for Participants to receive a Matching Contribution, or enter "No" if the Plan does not require a minimum number of Hours of Service for Participants to receive a Matching Contribution.

Hours of Service required in the applicable Plan Year for a Participant to receive an allocation of Matching Contributions (1000 maximum without commas) Top

Enter up to 1000 maximum without commas.

Require employment by the Company on the last day of Plan Year for a Participant to receive an allocation of Matching Contributions? Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to death Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to Disability Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to attainment of Normal Retirement Age Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Any Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement shall be modified upon the occurrence of the events above as follows Top

Select how Hour of Service and/or last day requirement will be modified. Options are:

Method to fix Matching Contribution Code section 410(b) ratio percentage coverage failures Top

If the Plan fails the Code section 410(b) coverage test for Matching Contribution, specify whether the Plan will automatically make additional Participants eligible to receive allocations of Matching Contributions. Options are:

Non Elective Top

Non Elective - Service Top

A Participant will receive an allocation of Profit Sharing Contributions if he or she is employed by the Company on the last day of Plan Year or completes the Hours of Service specified Top

Select "Yes" if eligibility to receive NonElective Contributions is met if either the last day or hours requirement is satisfied.

Selecting "No" means that a Participant has to be employed on the last day of the Plan Year AND must have completed the required number of Hours of Service.

If "Yes" is selected, you must enter the number of required Hours of Service on the next line.

Enter Hours of Service Required Top

Hours of Service Required may not be greater than 500 hours.

Require service for a Participant to receive an allocation of Profit Sharing Contributions? Top

Enter "Yes" if the Plan requires a minimum number of Hours of Service for Participants to receive a NonElective Contribution, or enter "No" if the Plan does not require a minimum number of Hours of Service for Participants to receive a NonElective Contribution.

Hours of Service required in the applicable Plan Year for a Participant to receive an allocation of Profit Sharing Contributions (1000 maximum without comma) Top

Enter up to 1000 maximum without commas.

Require employment by the Company on the last day of Plan Year for a Participant to receive an allocation of Profit Sharing Contributions? Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to death Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to Disability Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Modify Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement for a Participant who Terminates employment with the Employer during the Plan Year due to attainment of Normal Retirement Age Top

Select "Yes" or "No".

Any Hour of Service requirement and last day requirement shall be modified upon the occurrence of the events above as follows Top

Select how Hour of Service and/or last day requirement will be modified. Options are:

  • Waive service and last day;
  • Waive service only; or
  • Waive last day only.

    Method to fix Profit Sharing Contribution Code section 410(b) ratio percentage coverage failures Top

    If the Plan fails the Code section 410(b) coverage test for NonElective Contribution, specify whether the Plan will automatically make additional Participants eligible to receive allocations of NonElective Contributions. Options are:

    Non Elective - Contribution Top

    Profit Sharing allocation formula Top

    Select the method of determining the amount and the allocation of the Company's Profit Sharing Contribution. The options are as follows:

  • Integration LevelPermitted Disparity
    More than $0 but not more than 20% of the TWB5.7%
    More than 20% of the TWB but not greater than 80% of the TWB4.3%
    More than 80% of the TWB but less than 100% of the TWB5.4%
    100% of the TWB5.7%
    TWB = taxable Wage Base (as defined under Section 230 of the Social Security Act)

    Profit Sharing Davis Bacon Top

    Select "Yes" if the Plan also provides for a Davis Bacon allocation formula in an amount necessary to meet the Company's requirements under an applicable prevailing wage statute.

    Profit Sharing Davis Bacon offset Top

    If the Plan provides for a Davis Bacon allocation formula, select "Yes" if the prevailing wage allocations will offset any other Profit Sharing allocation that would otherwise be made to a Participant.

    Profit Sharing Union Top

    Select "Yes" if the Plan also provides for an allocation formula under a collective bargaining agreement in an amount necessary to meet the Company's requirements under an applicable collective bargaining agreement.

    Profit Sharing Union CBA Top

    If the Plan provides for an allocation formula under a collective bargaining agreement, select "Yes" if the collective bargaining agreement allocations will offset any other Profit Sharing allocation that would otherwise be made to a Participant.

    NonElective - Integration Top

    If "Integrated", integration level for determining Excess Compensation Top

    Select integration level for determining Excess Compensation: The options are:

    If "Integrated", and using "fixed percentage" or "fixed dollar amount", enter fixed percentage or fixed dollar amount (without % or $ or commas) Top

    The "Fixed percentage" entered must not exceed 100 (without %). The "Fixed dollar amount" must not exceed the amount of the taxable wage base (without $ or commas) in effect on the first day of such Plan Year.

    Non Elective - Points Top

    If "Points", points will be computed on basis of Top

    Options are:

    Allocations will be made in the ratio that such Participant's points bears to the points of all eligible Participants. Each Participant shall receive to the extent provided in allocation formula. If after application of the foregoing, the average of the allocation rates for eligible Highly Compensated Employees exceeds the average of the allocation rates for eligible Nonhighly Compensated Employees, each eligible Nonhighly Compensated Employee who has earned any points during the Plan Year shall be awarded the same minimum number of points (or fraction of a point) so that the average of the allocation rates for eligible Highly Compensated Employees does not exceed the average of the allocation rates for eligible Nonhighly Compensated Employees.

    Unit of comp for which points awarded Top

    If the allocation formula includes Compensation, enter a dollar amount (Points usually awarded based on each $100 of Compensation).

    If "Points", points awarded for each unit of Compensation Top

    If the allocation formula includes Compensation, enter points awarded for each Unit of Compensation.

    Service type Top

    Select one of three options:

    If eligibility, use actual service or time since initial eligibility Top

    If Service Type "Eligibility" select either "Actual Service" or "Time Since Eligible" as the eligibility determination period.

    If "Points", points awarded for each year of service Top

    If the allocation formula includes Years of Service, enter the points awarded for each Year of Service.

    If "Points", points awarded for each year of age Top

    If the allocation formula includes Years of Age, enter the points awarded for each Year of Age.

    Non Elective - Min Max Top

    Profit Sharing Contributions are subject to a minimum amount Top

    Options are:

    If "Yes", enter the minimum amount Top

    If "Yes", enter either the minimum percentage or minimum dollar amount.

    Profit Sharing Contributions are subject to a maximum amount Top

    Options are:

    If "Yes", enter the maximum amount Top

    If "Yes", enter either the maximum percentage or maximum dollar amount.

    Vesting Table of Contents TOC

    Matching Vesting
    Vesting Exclusions

    General Top

    Vesting service computation method Top

    Options are:

    Vesting Computation Period Top

    Options are

    If 'Other' Vesting Computation Period (MM-DD) Top

    If "Other", vesting computation period (MM-DD).

    Hours of Service for Year of Vesting Service Top

    Enter a number greater than zero and equal to or less than 1000 (without commas).

    Override prior yr cumulative Yrs of Vest Service Top

    Select "Yes" to override system calculation of vesting service.

    Matching Vesting Top

    If Matching vesting schedule is not "100%", the following Matching Contributions are 100% vested if the Plan provides for safe harbor Matching Contributions Top

    Options are:

    Vesting Exclusions Top

    Exclude Years of Vesting Service earned before age 18 Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    Exclude Years of Vesting Service earned before the Employer maintained this Plan or a predecessor plan Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    One-year holdout. If an Employee has a 1-Year Break in Service/Period of Severance, exclude Years of Vesting Service before such period until the Employee has completed a Year of Vesting Service after return to employment with the Employer Top

    If an Employee has a One-Year Break in Service/Period of Severance, exclude Years of Vesting Service before such period until the Employee has completed a Year of Vesting Service after returning to employment with the Employer.

    Rule of parity. If an Employee does not have a nonforfeitable right to Employer contributions, exclude Years of Vesting Service earned before a period of 5 consecutive 1-Year Breaks in Service/Periods of Severance Top

    If an Employee does not have any nonforfeitable right to Employer Contributions, exclude Years of Vesting Service before a period of five (5) consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service/Periods of Severance.

    Note. Cannot be used if elective deferrals have been made prior to the break, regardless of amount.

    Distribution Table of Contents TOC

    Normal Retirement

    Normal Retirement Top

    Requirement for Normal Retirement Age Top

    Options are:

    Age component of Normal Retirement Age (not to exceed 65 - deemed to be 59-1/2 for Electives and QNECs if lesser age is entered) Top

    Select age drop-down listing.

    If "Age and Plan Participation", anniversary of participation for Normal Retirement Age Top

    Options are:

    Allow in-service distributions after attainment of Normal Retirement Age Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    If "Yes", describe the Accounts from which distributions may be made Top

    If less than age 59-1/2, Elective Deferrals, QNECs, QMACs and the portion of any Account that has been used to satisfy the safe harbor requirements of Code sections 401(k)(12) and/or 401(m)(11) shall not be eligible for withdrawal until age 59-1/2.

    Allocation Parameters Table of Contents TOC

    Matching Allocations
    Top Heavy Allocation
    Maximize Parameters

    Overrides Top

    Match allocation manual override Top

    Select "Yes" to override system calculation of matching contribution if, for example, the match was calculated by the client.

    Nonelective allocation manual override Top

    Select "Yes" to override system calculation of nonelective contribution if, for example, the profit sharing contribution was calculated by the client.

    Calculation of points override Top

    Select "Yes" to override system calculation of points if, for example, points were calculated by the client.

    Average benefits calculation override Top

    Select "Yes" to override system calculation of average benefits percentage (ABP) if, for example, ABT was calculated by an actuary.

    If Average benefits calculation override, enter percentage Top

    If "Yes", override system calculation of average benefits percentage (ABP), enter percentage (up to two decimal places without the % sign, e.g. 2.33).

    Is there another plan that must be taken into account for Average Benefits Top

    Select "Yes" if there is another plan (or plans) that must be included in average benefits testing.

    Override Employee Contributions to be matched Top

    Select �€œYes�€� when not all the deferrals for the plan year are matched if, for example, the plan has dual initial eligibility and the participant is eligible to defer on 1/1 but only eligible for match on 7/1.

    Matching Allocations Top

    Matching - Safe Harbor Top

    Number of Safe Harbor Matching rates Top

    Select "One", "Two", or "None". If there are more than two tiers of safe harbor match, enter third and subsequent tiers in section titled "Matching - Fixed Rates".

    Enter rate of Matching Contributions on first tier (without % sign) Top

    Enter the rate. If the first tier rate of match is 150%, enter "150.00".

    Enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on first tier (without % sign) Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 150% of the first 2.25% of deferrals, enter "2.25".

    If two tiers, enter rate of Matching Contributions on second tier (without % sign) If one tier, enter zero Top

    Enter the rate. If the second tier rate of match is 50%, enter "50.00".

    If two tiers enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on second tier (without % sign) Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 50% of the next 1.75% of deferrals, enter "50.00" and "4.00" The maximum amount in the second tier is the sum of the first tier maximum and second tier maximum, i.e. 2.25% + 1.75% = 4.00%.

    Matching - Fixed Rates Top

    Matching Contribution formula (if SH Match, enter number of added Tiers) Top

    Select "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Years of Service", or "None".

    Indicate whether max component of tier is percent or dollar amount Top

    Select "Percent", "Dollar", or "None".

    Enter rate of Matching Contributions on first tier Top

    Enter the rate. If the first tier rate of match is 150%, enter "150.00".

    Enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on first tier Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 150% of the first 2.25% of deferrals, enter "2.25".

    If the maximum amount is a dollar amount, enter the amount (without $ sign).

    If two tiers, enter rate of Matching Contributions on second tier Top

    Enter the rate. If the second tier rate of match is 50%, enter "50.00".

    If two tiers enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on second tier Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 50% of the next 1.75% of deferrals, enter "50.00" and "4.00" The maximum amount in the second tier is the sum of the first tier maximum and second tier maximum, i.e. 2.25% + 1.75% = 4.00%. If the maximum amount is a dollar amount, enter the amount (without $ sign). As with the percentage maximum, the dollar amount for tiers after the first tier is the sum of all tiers.

    If three tiers, enter rate of Matching Contributions on third tier Top

    Enter the rate. If the third tier rate of match is 20%, enter "20.00".

    If three tiers enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on third tier Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 20% of the next 2.00% of deferrals, enter "20.00" and "6.00" The maximum amount in the third tier is the sum of the first tier maximum, second tier maximum and third tier maximum , i.e. 2.25% + 1.75% + 2.00% = 6.00%. If the maximum amount is a dollar amount, enter the amount (without $ sign). As with the percentage maximum, the dollar amount for tiers after the first tier is the sum of all tiers.

    If four tiers, enter rate of Matching Contributions on fourth tier Top

    Enter the rate. If the fourth tier rate of match is 10%, enter "10.00".

    If four tiers enter maximum amount of Employee Contributions matched on fourth tier Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 10% of the next 1.00% of deferrals, enter "10.00" and "7.00" The maximum amount in the third tier is the sum of the first tier maximum, second tier maximum, third tier maximum and fourth tier maximum , i.e. 2.25% + 1.75% + 2.00% + 1.00% = 7.00%. If the maximum amount is a dollar amount, enter the amount (without $ sign). As with the percentage maximum, the dollar amount for tiers after the first tier is the sum of all tiers. For example, if the dollar amounts for tiers one through four were $2,000, $1,500, $1,000 and $500, the maximum entered for the fourth tier would be $5,000.

    Matching - Years of Service Top

    If "Years of service", describe years of service that applies to the first band Top

    Enter number of years, e.g. for 2.5 years enter "2.50".

    If "Years of service", describe the matching percentage that applies to the first band Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 50% of deferrals for the first 2.5 years of service, enter "50.00".

    If "Years of service", describe years of service that applies to the second band Top

    Enter number of years, e.g. for 5 years enter "5.0".

    If "Years of service", describe the matching percentage that applies to the second band Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 40% of deferrals for the next 5 years of service, enter "40.00".

    If "Years of service", describe years of service that applies to the third band Top

    Enter number of years, e.g. for 10 years enter "10.00".

    If "Years of service", describe the matching percentage that applies to the third band Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 30% of deferrals for the next 10 years of service, enter "30.00".

    If "Years of service", describe years of service that applies to the fourth band Top

    Enter number of years, e.g. for 5 years enter "5.0".

    If "Years of service", describe the matching percentage that applies to the fourth band Top

    Enter the amount. If the plan matches 20% of deferrals for the next 5 years of service, enter "20.00".

    NOTE: Unlike regular tiered matching formula, the maximum amount in the second and subsequent tiers of a years of service formula is not the sum of all tiers

    If "Years of service", the formula applies to all matched contributions Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    If "Years of service" and above is "No", only Matched Contributions that are not in excess of the following percentage of the Participants Compensation shall be matched Top

    Enter the percent (without % sign).

    If "Years of service", describe the service to use Top

    Select "Years of Eligibility Service" or "Years of Vesting Service".

    If "Years of service", enter the number of Hours of Service necessary to earn a year of service described above Top

    Enter hours (maximum of 1000).

    Matching - Maximum Allocation Top

    Plan limits Matching Contributions to a maximum amount/percentage in each Plan Year Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    If "Yes", enter the maximum percentage or dollar amount (without $ or % signs or commas) Top

    Enter the percent (without % sign).

    Matching - Allocation Top

    Matching Contributions are allocated to Participant Accounts at the following time(s) Top

    Select "End of Plan Year", "Semi-annually", "Quarterly", "Each calendar month", "Each pay period" or "At Company discretion".

    If there a maximum dollar amount and allocations are not End of Plan Year, apply the dollar limit Top

    Select "On a Plan Year basis only", "Prorata as of each Allocation Period".

    Top Heavy Allocation Top

    Plan to which Top-Heavy allocations are made Top

    Top Heavy First or Top Heavy Last.

    NOTE: In the profit sharing allocation formula is integrated with Social Security, Top Heavy Last cannot be used.

    Design of Plan automatically meets top heavy allocation requirements Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    If H.1 is "This Plan", type of other plan maintained by the Company that covers employees eligible to participate in this Plan Top

    Select "N/A - No other plan", "Defined Contribution", or "Defined Benefit"

    Include Match in Top Heavy minimums for Non Keys Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    Participants who share in Top-Heavy minimum allocations Top

    Select either "All Participants" or Non-Key only.

    Exclude otherwise excludable employees from Top Heavy minimum allocations Top

    "Yes" to exclude otherwise excludable employees from receiving a Top Heavy minimum allocation.

    Aggregation required Top

    Select "Yes" or "No".

    If aggregation required, Aggregation group ID Top

    Enter aggregation Group ID.

    If aggregation required, Top Heavy allocation percent Top

    Enter a percent (without % sign), equal to or greater than the highest allocation received by a Key Employee, but no more than 3%.

    NOTE: The top heavy allocation could be, but is not required to be, more than 3%. Also, salary deferrals made by Key Employees ARE included in determining the highest allocation received by a Key Employee.

    Nonelective Top

    Safe Harbor Nonelective Top

    Nonelective Safe Harbor contribution Top

    Enter percent (without % sign).

    Regular Nonelectives Top

    Allocation type Top

    Select "Dollar", "Specified", i.e. percent, "Maximize" or "None".

    Nonelective contribution in total dollars to be allocated Top

    If allocation type "Dollar", enter nonelective contribution in total dollars (without $ sign).

    Nonelective contribution in percent Top

    If allocation type "Specified", enter nonelective contribution in percent (without % sign).

    Maximize Nonelective contribution Top

    If allocation type "Maximize", select the group of participants to maximize and amount to maximize in Maximize Parameters section below.

    If integrated, enter amount of permitted disparity Top

    If integrated, enter amount of permitted disparity in percent (without % sign).

    Enter percent (without % sign) if allocation type is "Specified".

    Non-Elective - Integration Top

    If D.22b is selected, the Non-Elective Contribution shall be allocated to eligible Participants who have met the requirements of Sections B.6 - B.8 and D.14 pursuant to either Paragraph (1) or (2) below (Section 4.03(b)(3)):

    1. 2-step method for plans that are not Top-Heavy or who have met the Top-Heavy minimum allocation requirements using other allocations:
      1. Non-Elective Contributions shall first be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that the sum of such Participant's Plan Compensation plus his Excess Compensation bears to the sum of all eligible Participants' Plan Compensation plus Excess Compensation, but not to exceed the permitted disparity of such sum; and
      2. The balance, if any, remaining after the allocation in subparagraph (A) shall then be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that such Participant's Plan Compensation bears to all eligible Participants' Plan Compensation.
    2. 4-step method for plans that are meeting the Top-Heavy minimum allocation requirements using Non-Elective Contributions:
      1. Non-Elective Contributions shall first be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that each Participant's Statutory Compensation bears to all eligible Participants' Statutory Compensation, but not in excess of 3% of each Participant's Statutory Compensation.
      2. The balance, if any, remaining after the allocation in subparagraph (A) shall then be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that each Participant's Excess Compensation bears to the Excess Compensation of all Participants, but not in excess of 3% of each Participant's Excess Compensation.
      3. The balance, if any, remaining after the allocation in subparagraph (B) shall then be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that the sum of each Participant's Plan Compensation and Excess Compensation bears to the sum of all eligible Participants' Plan Compensation and Excess Compensation, but not in excess of the permitted disparity less 3%.
      4. The balance, if any, remaining after the allocation in subparagraph (C) shall be allocated to each Participant's Non-Elective Contribution Account in the ratio that each Participant's Plan Compensation bears to all Participants' Plan Compensation.

    Dollar amount of allocation per point Top

    If "Points" allocation method, enter the dollar amount of allocation per point (without $ sign).

    This is usually $100 of compensation per point.

    Dollar amount of Fixed Amount allocation Top

    If "Fixed Amount" allocation method, enter the fixed allocation (without $).

    Under this method, each Participant received the same amount, regardless of compensation.

    Age Weighted Top

    Age Weighted dollar amount of allocation per factor Top

    Enter dollar amount (without $ sign).

    Age Weighted Interest Top

    Select "7.5%", "8.0" or "8.5".

    Age Weighted Actuarial Table Top

    Select table from drop down listing.

    Provide decrement for participants past NRA Top

    Select "Yes" or "No". Instead of using a factor of 1 for anyone older than NRA, the number is reduced by post-retirement mortality.

    Maximize Parameters Top

    Select Group of Participants to maximize: Top

    Select "HCE" if you wish to maximize all HCEs to a specific limit/amount. The system will find the HCE with the highest allocation percent and allocate the contribution based on that percentage. The system will automatically cap any participant at the 415 limit as applicable.

    Select "Participant" if you have a specific participant to be maximized and click Refresh. After clicking Refresh a new option will appear �€œID of Participant to maximize�€�.

    Amount to maximize: Top

    Select "415 limit" to have the group of participants selected maximized at the 415 limit applicable for the year.

    Select "Fixed amount" to enter the dollar amount to be allocated to the participant or each participant in the group selected to be maximized.

    If maximize fixed amount, enter amount: Top

    If "Amount to maximize" is "fixed" this option will become available. Enter the dollar amount to be allocated to each member of the group specified. If the amount entered would cause a participant to exceed the 415 limit, that participant will be capped at the 415 limit automatically.

    ID of Participants to maximize: Top

    Select the name of the participant to be maximized. The participant selected must be eligible for a Nonelective contribution.

    QNEC Top

    Allocation Type Top

    Select "None", "Dollar" or "Specified". Selecting "None" will prevent a QNEC from being allocated. Selecting "Dollar" will permit the user to enter a dollar amount total below to be allocated to all eligible participants. Selecting "Specified" will permit the user to enter a contribution percentage below that will be allocated to each eligible participant.

    Nonelective contribution in total dollars to be allocated: Top

    Enter the total contribution amount to be allocated among the eligible participants.

    Nonelective contribution in percent: Top

    Enter the percent of compensation to be allocated to each eligible participant. Example: If 1% of compensation is to be allocated to each participant, enter "1".

    Combined Testing Parameters Table of Contents TOC

      415 Testing
      404 Deduction Testing
      414(s) Compensation Testing

      Overrides Top

      Aggregation/Disaggregation Top

      Divisions - Multiple Employer Plan Top

      Testing Divisions used (e.g. Multiple Employer Plan) Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      410(b)/401(a)(4)/ADP/ACP Testing Top

      Testing Aggregation used Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      Testing Aggregation group ID Top

      Enter ID used for all Plans in aggregation group.

      Disaggregation using otherwise excludable employees Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      415 Testing Top

      415 Aggregation required Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      Aggregation group ID Top

      Enter ID used for all Plans in aggregation group.

      NOTE: For 415 aggregation purposes, aggregation is required if joint ownership is 50%. This is different than normal controlled group percentage ownership minimums.

      404 Deduction Testing Top

      Override 25% deduction limit Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      Override percentage Top

      If 404 percent limit override elected, enter percent limit.

      Deduction Test Election Top

      Select "Yes" to include a participant that is eligible to defer but not receiving an employer contribution. Select "No" to exclude a participant that is eligible to defer but not receiving an employer contribution.

      414(s) Compensation Testing Top

      Compensation Testing required for Match Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      Compensation Testing required for Nonelective Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      Enter de minimis amount Top

      If "de minimis amount", enter the dollar amount (without $).

      If Testing Aggregation used, also aggregate for 414(s) Top

      Select "Yes" or "No".

      ADP/ACP Parameters Table of Contents TOC

        Testing Parameters
        Prior Year Elections

        Overrides Top

        Override 402(g)/Catchup calculations Top

        Select "Yes" to override system determination 402(g) and Catchup calculations.

        Testing Parameters Top

        Testing Groups Top

        Two definitions of compensation used

        Select "Yes" or "No". For example, ADP/ACP Compensation 1 (Comp including deferrals) and ADP/ACP Compensation 2 (Comp less deferrals).

        Methods to Avoid Failure Top

        Borrow Electives from ADR Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". This means shifting deferrals to match for testing purposes only.

        Borrow QNEC from ADR Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". This means shifting QNEC to match for testing purposes only.

        Borrow Dav Bacon QNEC from ADR Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". This means shifting Davis Bacon QNEC to match for testing purposes only.

        Create catchup Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". Catch-ups can be created under three conditions: 1) Failed ADP test; 2) Failure due to Plan imposed limit on deferrals; and 3) 415 annual additions violation.

        Recharacterize Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". Recharacterization means converting before-tax 401(k) deferrals to after-tax employee contributions and is rarely done.

        Failure Corrections Top

        Roth correction order for ADP failures Top

        Select "Last", "First" or "Prorate".

        Refund income calculation Top

        Select either "Safe Harbor" or "Actual".

        GAP Refund income calculation Top

        Select "Safe Harbor", "Actual" or "No".

        Refund Comp Match Top

        Refund matching contributions made on deferrals refunded due to failed ADP test:
        Select "Yes" or "No".

        Prior Year Elections Top

        ADP Prior Year Elections Top

        ADRs of NHCEs Top

        Select either "Current Year" or "Prior Year".

        Prior year % (All) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year % (Disagg Under) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year % (Disagg Over) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year NHCE Count (All) Top

        Enter whole number.

        Prior year NHCE Count (Disagg Under) Top

        Enter whole number.

        Prior year NHCE Count (Disagg Over) Top

        Enter whole number.

        ACP Prior Year Elections Top

        ACRs of NHCES Top

        Select either "Current Year" or "Prior Year".

        Prior year % (All) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year % (Disagg Under) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year % (Disagg Over) Top

        Enter percent (without % sign).

        Prior year NHCE Count (All) Top

        Enter whole number.

        Prior year NHCE Count (Disagg Under) Top

        Enter whole number.

        Prior year NHCE Count (Disagg Over) Top

        Enter whole number.

        First Plan Year Top

        First Plan Year as a 401(k) plan Top

        Select either "Yes" or "No". (NOT the first year the plan is on's admin system)

        ADP NHCE % for first Plan Year Top

        Select either "3%" or "Current year percentage".

        ACP NHCE % for first Plan Year Top

        Select either "3%" or "Current year percentage".

        General Test Parameters Table of Contents TOC

        General Test

        General Test Top

        Testing Period Top

        Select either "Current Year" or "Account Balances"

        Current Year tests using current year allocations only; Account Balances tests on account balances derived from employer contributions (current and prior plan years).

        Averaging Years Top

        Highest average over consecutive year period, with a minimum of 3 years required. If three plan years do not exist on the system, you must upload the compensation history for participants.

        Override NRA Top

        Select "Yes" to override NRA entered in Distribution section of Plan Specifications.

        Override NRA Age Top

        If Override NRA Age is "Yes", enter age to be used in testing.

        Type of General Test Top

        Select either "Standard" or "Cross Test".

        Cross Test projects benefits to NRA while a Standard General Test does not project benefits into the future.

        Determination of age Top

        Select either "Last" or "Nearest". Selecting Last uses a Participant's age at the end of the Plan Year. Selecting Nearest could skew test results, depending on birth dates of HCE and NHCE. The testing age for anyone born in the first six months of a Plan Year (assuming a calendar year plan year) is the age attained during the Plan Year.

        For anyone born after June 30th, the testing age would be attained age on the next birthday (January 1 to June 30 of the next Plan Year).

        Impute Disparity (May not be Yes if NRA < 55) Top

        Select "Yes" or "No". Imputed disparity cannot be used if NRA is less than 55.

        Interest Top

        Select "7.5%", "8.0%", or "8.5%".

        Actuarial Table Top

        Select one of the tables listed.

        Override Gateway Test Top

        Select "Yes" to override system calculated result.

        Top Heavy Parameters Table of Contents TOC

        Top Heavy as of Determination Date
        Top Heavy for Next Year

        Overrides Top

        Top Heavy Override Top

        Select "Yes" to override system calculation of top heavy ratio.

        Top Heavy as of Determination Date Top

        Plan is Top Heavy as of the Determination Date Top

        System generated, or select "Yes" or "No".

        NOTE: The Determination Date for top heavy minimum allocations that may be required in this Plan Year is the last day of the prior Plan Year. If the Plan was on's admin system in the prior Plan Year, the Top Heavy ratio and various Top Heavy balances are populated from prior Plan Year data. To override system generated numbers, manually enter information in the applicable fields for the last Plan Year.

        Top Heavy asset percent for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter percent of assets held by Key Employees (without % sign).

        Top Heavy Balance this plan Key for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance this plan Non-Key for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance other plan Key for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Key Employees in another plan (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance other plan Non-Key for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees in another plan (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance Key total for Determination Date year Top

        System generated, or enter total dollar value of assets held by Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance Non-Key total for Determination Date year Top

        System generated or enter total dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy for Next Year Top

        Plan is Top Heavy for next year Top

        System generated, or select "Yes" or "No".

        NOTE: Determination Date for top heavy minimum allocations for the next Plan Year is the last day of this Plan Year. The "Next Plan Year" Top Heavy ratio and various Top Heavy balances are populated from current Plan Year data. To override system generated numbers, manually enter information in the applicable fields for this Plan Year.

        NOTE: For defined contribution plans that are not money purchase pension or target balance plans, current year contributions are included in the top heavy calculations for the current year (used to determine if a top heavy minimum contribution may be required in the next Plan Year) based on contribution date, NOT allocation date. In other words, receivables are not included in the top heavy calculation unless deposited on or before the determination date. Receivables ARE included in top heavy calculations for money purchase pension and target balance plans. Top heavy reports are generated using data from posted transactions. The two date fields used (allocation and contribution) need to be completed correctly to ensure that contributions are included in the top heavy determination for the appropriate Plan Year. The allocation date is either the last day of the Plan Year (for annual profit sharing or matching contributions) or the payroll end date (for deferrals and periodic matching contributions). The contribution date is the date the funds are actually deposited as plan assets. For example, a corporation with a calendar year fiscal year and calendar year Plan Year could delay sending employer contributions to the custodian/trustee until the extended due date of the corporate tax return (September 15th).

        Top Heavy asset percent for next year Top

        System generated, or enter percent of assets held by Key Employees (without % sign).

        Top Heavy Balance this plan Key for next year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance this plan Non-Key for next year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance other plan Key for next year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Key Employees in another plan (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance other plan Non-Key for next year Top

        System generated, or enter dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees in another plan (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance Key total for next year Top

        System generated, or enter total dollar value of assets held by Key Employees (without $).

        Top Heavy Balance Non-Key total for next year Top

        generated or enter total dollar value of assets held by Non-Key Employees (without $).