Table of Contents
Schedule SB, Line 26 - Schedule of Active Participant Data | |||||||||
Attained Age | YEARS OF CREDITED SERVICE | ||||||||
Under 1 | 1 to 4 | 5 to 9 | 40 & up | ||||||
No. | Average Comp.|Cash Bal. | No. | Average Comp.|Cash Bal. | No. | Average Comp.|Cash Bal. | No. | Average Comp.|Cash Bal. | ||
Under 25 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 44 45 to 49 50 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 to 69 70 & up |
Line 27. Alternative Funding Rules. top If one of the alternative funding rules was used for this plan year, enter the appropriate code from the table below and follow the special instructions applicable to that code, including completion of any required attachments.
Code | Alternative Funding Rule |
1 | Certain multiple-employer plans maintained by rural cooperatives or related organizations as described in section 104 of PPA |
2 | Temporary relief for certain PBGC settlement plans described in section 105 of PPA |
3 | Certain plans maintained by government contractors as described in section 106 of PPA |
4 | Plans with binding agreements with PBGC to maintain prefunding and/or funding standard carryover balances described in Code section 430(f)(4)(B)(ii) and ERISA section 303(f)(4)(B)(ii) |
5 | Airlines using 10-year amortization period for initial post-PPA shortfall amortization base under section 402(a)(2) of PPA (as amended) |
6 | Alternative 17-year funding schedule for airlines with frozen plans under section 402(a)(1) of PPA |
7 | Interstate transit company described in section 115 of PPA |
Line 28. Unpaid Minimum Required Contributions for Prior Years. top Enter the total amount of any unpaid minimum required contributions for all years from line 40 of the Schedule SB for the prior plan year.
Line 29. Employer Contributions Allocated Toward Unpaid Minimum Required Contributions from Prior Years. top Enter the total amount of discounted contributions made for the current plan year allocated toward unpaid minimum required contributions from prior years as reported in line 19a.
Line 30: Remaining Unpaid Minimum Required Contributions. top Enter the amount in line 28 minus the amount in line 29.
Line 31. Target Normal Cost, Adjusted if Applicable. top In general, enter the target normal cost as reported in line 6. However, if the minimum required contribution is determined under Code section 430(a)(2) or ERISA section 303(a)(2) (relating to plans with excess assets), enter the amount of the minimum required contribution. For this purpose, excess assets are determined as the value of assets reported on line 2b reduced by any funding standard carryover balance and prefunding balance reported on line 13, columns (a) and (b), minus the funding target reported on line 3d, column (2) (but not less than zero). However, if the valuation date is not the first day of the plan year, excess assets are determined as the value of assets reported on line 2b reduced by any funding standard carryover balance and prefunding balance reported on line 13, columns (a) and (b), adjusted for interest at the effective interest rate for the period between the beginning of the plan year and the valuation date, minus the funding target reported on line 3d, column (2) (but not less than zero).
Note. Use the full amount of the funding target even if the plan is eligible to use only 96% of the funding target for determining the amount of any new shortfall amortization base for the 2010 plan year.
Line 32. Amortization Installments. top
Line 32a. Shortfall Amortization Bases and Amortization Installments. top Outstanding balance - If the plan's funding shortfall (determined under Code section 430(c)(4) and ERISA section 303(c)(4), reflecting the full amount of the funding target) is zero, all amortization bases and related installments are considered fully amortized. In this case, enter zero. Otherwise, enter the sum of the outstanding balances of all shortfall amortization bases (including any new shortfall amortization base established for the current plan year). The outstanding balance for each amortization base established in past years is equal to the present value as of the valuation date of any remaining amortization installments for each base (including the amortization installment for the current plan year), using the interest rates reported on line 21.
Note. Shortfall amortization installments for a given shortfall amortization base are not re-determined from year to year regardless of any changes in interest rates.
Line 32b. Waiver Amortization Bases and Amortization Installments. top Outstanding balance - If the plan's funding shortfall (determined under Code section 430(c)(4) and ERISA section 303(c)(4), reflecting the full amount of the funding target) is zero, all waiver amortization bases and related installments are considered fully amortized. In this case, enter zero. Otherwise, enter the present value as of the valuation date of all remaining waiver amortization installments (including any installment for the current plan year), using the interest rates reported on line 21. Do not include any new waiver amortization base established for a waiver of minimum funding requirements for the current plan year.
Note. If a waiver of minimum funding requirements has been granted for the current plan year, a waiver amortization base is established as of the valuation date for the current plan year equal to the amount of the funding waiver reported in line 33. The waiver amortization installment that corresponds to any waiver amortization base established for the current year is the level amortization payment that will amortize the new waiver amortization base over 5 annual payments, using the same segment interest rates or rates from the full yield curve reported on line 21 for the current plan year, but with the first payment due on the valuation date for the following plan year. The amount of the waiver amortization base and the waiver amortization installments for this base are not reported in line 32b for the year in which they are established. Rather, these are included in the entries for line 32b on the Schedule SB for the following plan year.
Note. Waiver amortization installments (including the waiver amortization installments of any waiver amortization base established for the prior plan year) are not re-determined from year to year regardless of any changes in interest rates.
Line 33. Funding Waiver. top If a waiver of minimum funding requirements has been approved for the current plan year, enter the date of the ruling letter granting the approval and the waived amount (reported as of the valuation date) in the spaces provided. If a waiver is pending, do not complete this line. If a pending waiver is granted after Form 5500 is filed, file an amended Form 5500 with an amended Schedule SB.
Line 34. Total Funding Requirement Before Reflecting Carryover/Prefunding Balances. top Enter the sum of line 31 and the amortization installments reported in lines 32a and 32b, reduced by line 33. (Result cannot be less than zero.)
Line 35. Balances Used to Offset Funding Requirement. top If the percentage reported on line 16 is at least 80%, and the plan has a funding standard carryover balance and/or prefunding balance (as reported on line 13, columns (a) and (b)), the plan sponsor may elect to credit all or a portion of such balances against the minimum required contribution. Enter the amount of any balance to be used for this purpose in the applicable column of line 35, and enter the total in the column headed "Total Balance." No portion of the prefunding balance can be used for this purpose unless the full amount of any remaining funding standard carryover balance (line 13, column (a)) is used. The amounts entered on line 35 cannot be larger than the corresponding amounts on line 13 (unless the plan's valuation date is not the first day of the plan year, as discussed below), or the corresponding amount on line 34.
Line 36. Additional Cash Requirement. top Enter the amount in line 34 minus the amount in the "Total Balance" column in line 35. (The result cannot be less than zero.) This represents the contribution needed to satisfy the minimum funding requirement for the current year, adjusted for interest to the valuation date.
Line 37. Contributions Allocated Toward Minimum Required Contribution for Current Year, Adjusted to Valuation Date. top Enter the amount reported in line 19c.
Line 38. Interest-Adjusted Excess Contributions for Current Year. top Report the present value of the excess contributions as of the valuation date. Enter the amount in line 37 minus the amount in line 36. Do not enter a negative number. This amount (plus interest, if applicable) is the maximum amount by which the plan sponsor may elect to increase the prefunding balance.
Line 39. Unpaid Minimum Required Contribution for Current Year. top If line 37 is less than line 36, enter the amount by which line 36 exceeds line 37. Otherwise, enter "0".
Line 40. Unpaid Minimum Required Contribution for All Years. top Enter the sum of the remaining unpaid minimum required contributions from line 30 and the unpaid minimum required contribution for the current year from line 39.