5500 Signing Credentials Through Login.gov
How to obtain New Credentials:
The Department of Labor (DOL) requires that 5500 Return/Reports be electronically filed and signed via EFAST2. Signers
must register for filing credentials which will act as the signature.
Once this process is complete, you can continue to use the User ID and PIN provided by the DOL in future years. If a
different person signs the 5500 filing in a future year, that person will have to register to receive their own signing
credentials. More than one person may obtain credentials to sign a 5500 Return/Report if needed.
As of 1/1/2023 all new signers must create an account through Login.gov, to register for EFAST2 credentials. Once on
the EFAST2 site, select the “Sign in with Login.gov” button:
You will be redirected to a login screen, select the “Create an Account” button: